Dr. Mark T. Stoebe, Dr. Michael J. Matury, and their highly trained team welcome you to the Great Falls Chiropractic Clinic. In our practice we strive to attain the best possible pain free living and function for every patient.
Our treatment plans, which include the use of spinal manipulation, Active Release Techniques®, SFMA, Electrostimulation therapy and Rehabilitative exercises, are uniquely designed for each individual patient and their needs.
Access to our in-house advanced diagnostic imaging makes it possible to evaluate thoroughly and efficiently each patient. We educate each patient on their diagnosis so they can play an active role in their treatment and recovery process.
In our 61+ years of combined practice experience, we have seen the evidence that has shown that our patients who participate actively in their care and rehab plans are more likely to achieve an optimal level of recovery. We work hard and aim to help every patient reach that optimal level of successful recovery. Learn more about our doctors
K. Allan Ward, MD
I am a specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation, and have worked with Dr. Mark Stoebe since 2004. As an ART® practitioner, he is truly a go-to resource for patients with spine and musculoskeletal problems. These results are not subtle, and my patients have, in many cases, seen immediate improvements that are long-lasting. My only regret is that ART® does not have a larger population that is in practice.
Michael E. Luckett, MD
I am a general orthopedist who's had about 50% spine practice over the last 15 years. Spinal practice is by nature a multidisciplinary art, nobody can help every condition and many conditions are multi-factorial, hence multidisciplinary. Most cases are not surgical. Most of the cases I see have had failed attempts at management and will have residual symptoms that require long-term variable management with fluctuating symptoms. I have found ART® to be a valuable tool in my armamentarium for both acute and recurring exacerbations of spine pain or radicular/referred extremity pain. I have been personally and professionally pleasantly surprised with success of ART® in cases that would have been deemed surgical.
James H. Asthalter, DO
My own experience with Dr Stoebe has changed how I approach treating patients with musculoskeletal injuries. I’ve found that early evaluation and treatment with ART decreases pain, improves range of motion and facilitates healing. In some cases it can even help resolve long standing restrictions and pain resulting from adhesions and inflammation. I routinely recommend referral for ART evaluation to my patients.
Keri Langille, Spartan Racer
It takes a team to keep me competitive as an athlete, especially because I am over 50 years old. Dr. Matury is an integral part of my team.
His skill and knowledge of the human body, especially an athlete’s body, has been invaluable. He understands because he also competes in races. His use of Active Release Technique usually has me back working out in 2 treatments. What I love the best about his skill are the things that can’t be taught – he listens, teaches me how to take care of and avoid trips to his office, follows up (even when I am not currently a patient) and takes an active interest and “think outside of the box” approach to keeping me training and running. Appointments are on time and his staff learns to know me by name as well. I consider myself fortunate to have him on my team.